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Here is a list of currently available snakes!
2.2 Lampropeltis t. andesiana $250CAD/each $485/pair
All eating live pinks
3.1 Coelognathus helena $125CAD each. Discount on all
(1.1 sold) all eating live pinks, 2 will take frozen
1.0 Senticolis triapsis intermedia $450CAD **Mom pictured in photos as well
little picky. Live pinks or lightly boiled pink works.
2.2 Lampropeltis pyromelana $285CAD each or $550/pair
all eating both live and thawed pinks
2.1 Boiga ceylonensis $450CAD for the trio **photo shows a small lifted scale above eye from trying to go through vent hole in setup
all assist feeding easy on fuzzy legs
0.1 SOLD Oreocryptophis p. coxi $250CAD
eating live pinks
2.0 young adult Elaphe climacophora $250 each or $400 for both
eating thawed mice
1.0 SOLD Arctic Albino Anaconda hognose $950 **SALE** (normally $1500)
eating thawed mice
DISCOUNT ON MULTIPLE PURCHASES. If many are bought I may include shipping **SPECIES DEPENDENT*
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