Psammodynastes and Philodryas
Up to 18 Psammodynastes pulverulentus available for August shipment! Sexes are not known yet however until next month. These will be strong, healthy, wild caught individuals like my last batch. Apparently should have even sex ratios, so you may reserve in pairs, however expect that this might change slightly. Please note, these eat live frogs and lizards only. Otherwise a fairly east to keep species.
$365 for 1 or $350 each for 2. EU to me shipping included. So just nationwide and export to USA is extra. Pricing is in CAD, USD is lower than shown.
We are taking early reservations for CBB20 Philodryas baroni!
Pricing has EU to Canada(me) shipping INCLUDED. So just nationwide/export to USA is extra. Pricing is in CAD, USD is lower than shown below. (CAD x 0.75 approximately)
Sexes are unknown at this time!These are just deposits to be taken for babies due to come.
Blue x Green parent pairing – $425CAD each. Babies will vary and all have a potential to turn blue or turqouise
Green x Green parent pairing – $320CAD each
green x blue parents shown in photo. There will be roughly 30 of each pairing available.
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