Lizards and Amphibs and Inverts Oh MY!
We are working on a side shipment from one seller 🙂 Here is the current list of availability.
Prices are subject to change at any time as the exchange rate is a bit wonky with the current COVID situation. If the change is severe, this will be reflected on your invoice for final payment.
Photos are sample photos / actual animals from seller. I will try and get photos if required of others, but no promise I can get photos of each. He is very busy so it may be difficult.
25% is required to hold. Due date is TBD. Assume June-July. Shipping costs are below the list of animals.
“Several avail” means 5-15 available. “Many available” Means 15+ available.
Ones without a comment will be 5 or less available *If sex isnt shown
USA is welcome on the order!! Pricing is in CAD.
$1CAD = $0.75USD
Sex: Species:
♂♀♀♀ Ailuronyx tachyscopaeus CB 2018 $1550CAD/all
Ailuronyx tachyscopaeus CB 2020 $300CAD
♂♀ Calotes calotes CB 2020 $1350CAD/pair, yes, expensive but TRUE CBB!!!!! rarity
♂♀ Calotes versicolor WC 03/20 $150CAD/pair
♂♀ Chondrodactylus angulifer Namib CB 2019 $1280CAD/pair
♂ Chondrodactylus angulifer 2 last animals CB 2020 $260CAD each
♂♀ Corytophanes hernandesii WC 03/20 $600CAD/pair
♂♀♀ Crotaphytus melanomaculatus Last 2 trios available WC 03/20 $1700CAD/trio
♀ Crotaphytus melanomaculatus WC 03/20 $600CAD
♂♀ Eublepharis angramainyu Choga Zanbil CB 2019 $985CAD/pair
♂♀ Eurydactylodes occidentalis CB 2019 $1200CAD/pair
♂♀ Gastropholis prasina CB 2019 $650CAD/pair
♂♀ Geckoella nebulosa CB 2019 $2500CAD/pair
♂♀ Geckoella triedrus CB 2019 $1350CAD/pair
♂♀ Gonatodes concinnatus WC 03/20 $350CAD/pair(many avail)
♂♀ Gonatodes humeralis WC 03/20 $350CAD/pair (many avail)
♂♀ Lamprolepis smaragdina CB 2018 $485CAD/pair
♂ Microlophus peruvianus $140CAD
Mniarogecko chahoua Mainland CB 2020 $585CAD
♂♀ Nephrurus amyae CB 2019 $2150CAD/pair
♂♀ Nephrurus deleani CB 2018 $1400CAD/pair
♂♀ Nephrurus deleani CB 2019 $1180CAD/pair
♂♀ Nephrurus vertebralis CB 2018 $1580CAD/pair
♂♀ Nephrurus vertebralis CB 2019 $1280CAD/pair
♂ Nephrurus wheeleri ssp. wheeleri CB 2019 $400CAD
♂♀ Oplurus cyclurus WC 03/20 $160CAD/pair
♂♀ Oplurus quadrimaculatus WC 03/20 $140CAD/pair
♂♀ Pachydactylus latirostris CB 2019 $950CAD/pair
Pachydactylus latirostris 3 last babies CB 2020 $300CAD each
♂♀ Paroedura stellata **AMAZING** CB 2019 $1300CAD/pair
Phyllurus amnicola CB 2019 $550CAD each
Phyllurus caudiannulatus CB 2019 $700CAD each
♀ Plica plica WC 01/20 $135CAD
♂ Plica umbra WC 01/20 $135CAD
♂♀ Polychrus marmoratus WC 12/19 $380CAD/pair
♂♀ Polychrus peruvianus $3000CAD/pair
♂♀ Potamites ecpleopus Adults WC 12/19 $550CAD/pair
Potamites ecpleopus Babies CB 2019 $160CAD each
♂♀ Potamites spec. aff. erythrocularis CB 2019 $800CAD/pair
♂♀ Saltuarius kateae CB 2019 $3000CAD/pair
♂♀ Saltuarius wyberba CB 2019 $1800CAD/pair
♂♀ Sceloporus cyanogenys CB 2020 $280CAD/pair
♂♀ Sceloporus malachiticus WC 03/20 $115CAD/pair
♂♀ Sceloporus variabilis WC 03/20 $65CAD/pair (Many avail)
♂♀ Stenocercus chlorostictus *GORGEOUS MALES* $700CAD/pair (Many avail)
♂♀ Stenocercus empetrus $1350CAD/pair
♂♀ Stenocercus eunetopsis *SUPER rare* $1550CAD/pair
♂♀♀♀♀♀ Stenocercus fimbriatus Juveniles WC 12/19 $2450CAD/all
♂♀ Stenocercus huancabambae $750CAD/pair
♂♀ Stenocercus imitator $450/pair(May be sold out, please contact)
♂ Stenocercus iridescens Adults $120CAD each(many avail)
♂♀ Stenocercus melanopygus $760CAD/pair (many avail)
♂♀ Strophurus ciliaris CB 2019 $940CAD/pair
♂♀ Strophurus spinigerus CB 2019 $700CAD/pair
♂♀ Strophurus taenicauda CB 2019 $900CAD/pair
♂♀ Strophurus williamsi CB 2019 $600CAD/pair
Strophurus williamsi CB 2020 $250CAD each
♂♀ Tracheloptychus petersi WC 03/20 $85CAD each
Underwoodisaurus milli CB 2020 $180CAD each
♂ Xenagama taylori Red form CB 2019 $325CAD
Amphibians **Discount on multiples**
Boana punctata CB 2020 $180CAD each
Cruziohyla craspedopus FB 2020 $150CAD each (many avail)
♂♂♀ Dendropsophus ebraccatus WC 03/20 $295CAD/trio
Dendropsophus leucophyllatus $75 each
Dendropsophus parviceps FB 2020 $285CAD each
♂♂♀ Dendropsophus reticulatus FB 2020 $585CAD/trio
Dendropsophus reticulatus Brown FB 2020 $95 each (many avail)
Dendropsophus reticulatus Yellow FB 2020 $100 each (many avail)
Dendropsophus reticulatus White FB 2020 $100 each (many avail)
Dendropsophus sarayacuensis FB 2020 $85 each (many avail)
Dendropsophus sarayacuensis “Gold” FB 2020 $180CAD each
♂♂♀ Dendropsophus triangulum FB 2020 $580CAD/trio
Dendropsophus triangulum Yellow FB 2020 $100 each (many avail)
Dendropsophus triangulum White FB 2020 $100 each (many avail)
♀ Ecnomiohyla valancifer WC 12/19 $265CAD each (some avail)
Gastrotheca peruana CB 2019 $135CAD each (many avail)
Gastrotheca peruana CB 2020 $100CAD each(may avail)
Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni $50CAD each (several avail)
♂♂♀? Kaloula pulchra $100CAD/for 3
Litoria caerulea $25CAD each
Phyllomedusa bicolor $120CAD each (Several avail)
Phyllomedusa tomopterna $75CAD each (several avail)
Phyllomedusa vaillanti $120CAD each (many avail)
Rana signata $50CAD each (several avail)
♂♀ Rhinella margaritifera $180CAD/pair (several avail)
Scaphiophryne madagascariensis $45CAD each (several avail)
Smilisca phaeota $85CAD each
Theloderma asperum $125CAD each
Theloderma auratum $95CAD each(several avail)
Theloderma corticale $95CAD each(Several avail)
Theloderma gordoni $265CAD
Theloderma lateriticum $85CAD each (Several avail)
Theloderma licin $75CAD each
Theloderma nebulosum $165CAD each (several avail)
Theloderma palliatum $45CAD each (Several avail)
Theloderma ryabovi $150CAD each (many avail)
Trachycephalus resinifictrix $45CAD each
Triprion (Anotheca) spinosus CB 2019 $135CAD each
Acanthoscurria ferina $75 each (several avail)
Avicularia avicularia $75 each (several avail)
Avicularia huriana $150CAD each
Avicularia merianae $85CAD each (several avail)
Avicularia urticans $85CAD (several avail)
Cyrioscomus ritae $100CAD each
Cyrioscomus sellatus $85CAD each
Hommoemma spec. $85CAD each
Megaphonea velvetosoma $85CAD each
Thrixopelma cyaneum $75CAD each (Several avail)
Alipes multicostis $40CAD each
Scolopendra galapagensis $350CAD each (Several avail)
Scolopendra gigantea $320CAD each (several avail)
Scolopendra subspinipes ssp. dehaani $85CAD each
Scolopendra subspinipes ssp. mutilans $45CAD each
Scolopendra viridicornis(robusta) $180CAD each(Several avail)
Shipping for this list will be the following from EU to me:
Medium to large lizards
1@ $135
2@ $230
3@ $255
4+ @ $85 each
Small lizards
1@ $115
2@ $200
3@ $235
4+ @ $65 each
Flat rate of $50 each up to 5. Then 6+ at $40 each
Flat rate of $35 each. 10+ at $25 each
5% is required on top of animal value.
** Partial to full refund on animal cost is possible if DOA from EU to me. All refunds will be void once shipped out to the customer. Please also check out TOS for more information. (Shipping to customers is extra via Reptile Express International. USA export is $250CAD flat rate up to a 16x11x9 box)
Shipment will be for early to mid summer.
Trusted Partnership
We ONLY use Reptile Express International for all of our shipping needs