Colorful Lizards List (and 2 Dinosaurs) AUGUST
NON-CITES Costs include EU to me(Toronto), USA export is extra-(includes USFW inspection, paperwork and shipping PER buyer)
Boxes up to 19 x 10 x 8″ =$230USD
20 x 15 x 9″ =$245USD
19 x 14 x 13″ =$266USD
26 x 20 x 10″ =$339USD
30 x 16 x 10″ =$323USD
Cheaper shipping option to USA possible for 2 heads or less, but longer transit time.
**Canadians, please note costs will be different (even if converted) due to different courier fees and exchange rates involved. **
1,1 Cyrtodactylus myinthuawturai $2600USD/$3300CAD pair
0,0,3 Ailuronyx trachyscopaeus $450USD/$585CAD each
Furcifer pardalis $700USD/$600CAD pair
2.2 Egernia epsisolus $7100CAD/pair **Canadian only**
**Minimum 3 Phelsuma for USA purchases, minimum 2 for Canada**DISCOUNT ON 6+**
0.0.10 Phelsuma lineata $280USD/$200CAD each
0.0.10 Phelsuma laticauda $280USD/$200CAD each
0.0.10 Phelsuma quadriocellata $280USD/ $200CAD each
0.0.10 Phelsuma standingi $280USD/$200CAD each
0.0.10 Phelsuma klemmeri $300USD/$225CAD each
0,0,x Uromastyx princeps $1300USD/$1300CAD each
“Dinosauresque”….not so colorful
2.2 Chameleolis sp.nov. red throat $800USD/$700CAD pair
2.2 Chameleolis barbatus $650USD/$650CAD pair
Photos are a mix of Google and breeder**
Prices are a bit “higher” in these case due to both import fees and care fees included in the cost. Permits can take anywhere from 1 to 10+ months to be approved for export from Canada to USA. Quantity discount possible.
Canadians – NO PROBLEM, order away!
USA – ORDER AT YOUR OWN RISK. I can import them to Canada no problem, however getting CITES paperwork for export may take several months and comes at a cost (both permits and feeding). If the permits are denied for any reason, I will try and sell the animals for you to recoup what you can, but no guarantee at the same price. PLEASE CONSULT MY TERMS OF SERVICE(Buyers Assumption of Risk)!! This is EXTREMELY important to understand and read through as death of any animal being held in my care will not be taken under my responsibility. I do NOT know the full history of animal(s) being held, and cannot hold accountability for such risks.
$150 1st permit
$120 each additional permit
+ above export cost on top of this page
Trusted Partnership
We ONLY use Reptile Express International for all of our shipping needs