November import!!
(all photos from breeder. Smaug photos are Google examples!!)

Costs do NOT include import fees as it depends on your province for taxes. (Costs at bottom)

All orders MUST be in by Thursday evening with deposit.

0,0,20 Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus $350/ babies
10,10 Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus $900/ pair
3,3 N.w.wheeleri $1200/pair
5,0 Nephrurus vertebralis $300/each
0,0,40 Underwoodisaurus milli $130/ each
0,0,10 U.milii hypo $200/each
10,10 Uroplatus alluaudi $1565/ pair
15,15 U.ebenaui $865/ pair
20,20 Uroplatus phantasticus $975/ pair
10,10 Uroplatus henkeli $865/ pair (females Top pied)
0,0,100 Phelsuma grandis $100/ each
0,0,30 Uromastyx thomasi $865/ each
0,0,6 Uromastyx princeps CB 2021 $1350/each,
0,0,10 Uromastyx princeps CB 2022 $1150/each
0,0,5 Varanus acanthurus Red Rare Earth line $785/each
0,0,20 Timon princeps $845/each
3,3 Anolis equestris potior $2600/ pair
3,3 Chameleolis barbatus $500/ pair
3,3 Chameleolis sp.nov. $650/ pair (I’m sure the red throats)
3,3 Tiliqua nigrolutea lowland $5500 / pair ,medium size
5,5 Saltuarius kateae $2200/ pair, unsexed $700/each
2,2 Saltuarius swaini $6000/pair
0,0,9 Saltuarius wyberba $800/ each
0,0,3 Phyllurus platurus $600/ each
0,0,10 P.caudiannulatus $600/each

RARE TREAT!!! First CBB!! (Google image used above)
**If USA customers are interested, please note, purchase at YOUR risk if Canada to USA permits are denied for any reason. CITES permits to USA can take an additional 4-8 months +
0,0,2 Smaug w.warenni/Warrens Dragon Lizard $2700 EACH
0,0,3 Smaug w.depressus/ Warrens Dragon Lizard $2200 EACH

0,0,5 Corallus hortulanus/Amazon Tree Boa $160/each
0,0,5 Corallus hortulanus/Amazon Tree Boa yellow $250/ each
0,0,14 Epicrates angulifer/Cuban Boa $850/each

EU to Canada Import Fees
1@ $135
2@ $230
3@ $255
4+ @ $85 each
+ tax

Wholesale welcome (lower costs for import fee and animal cost). Minimum 20 heads and must be a resale business.

Contact for info

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We ONLY use Reptile Express International for all of our shipping needs