Borneo Gonyosoma oxycephalum with a twist

1.1 poss 2.2 CBB babies of these Borneo locality G.oxycephalum!

$785CAD/$620USD each for them. No discount on the pair, sorry.
Nationwide is extra – as is US export

These have not been introduced yet to the public part of the hobby – at least to my knowledge – until recently

Adult Males are more colorful, seemingly with a bronze head, dark blue/black neck and green/blue flanks and dorsal. Lower flanks are bright yellow with a blue/grey tail

Adult Females overall are bronze head, greenish blue neck, yellow body with blue tipped scales and bluish tail

All babies start out green/blue. Color change shown in photos with my 1.1 pair
Mom and babies pictured.
HORRIBLE photo of 1.1 pair together(photo taken from a PC screen)…but gives an idea of sexual dimorphism

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