Remember, Remember, the Butts of November

CUTE FROG BUTTS!! For end of November

However in ALL seriousness, these are NOT beginner frogs! PLEASE do extensive research and understanding to these special little frogs. Overall – they are hardy. However, you MUST keep them properly. Sandy soil mix or dry stratum and make sure it is DEEP substrate for burrowing.

Check out this Facebook group for GOOD learning information amongst other keepers:

X.X Breviceps adspersus

X.X Breviceps mossambicus (Red and Yellow)

X.X Breviceps poweri

Costs are the following(includes EU to Canada freight):

1-4 $450CAD/$300USD each

5-14 $400CAD/$260USD each

If interested in 15+, please message.

inquire about bulk wholesale (50+)

Please note all photos are publicly sourced and colors may vary.

NON-CITES Costs include EU to me(Toronto), USA export is extra-(includes USFW inspection, paperwork and shipping PER buyer)
Boxes up to 19 x 10 x 8″ =$230USD
20 x 15 x 9″ =$245USD
19 x 14 x 13″ =$266USD
26 x 20 x 10″ =$339USD
30 x 16 x 10″ =$323USD
Cheaper shipping option to USA possible for 2 heads or less, but longer transit time.

**Canadians, please note costs will be different (even if converted) due to different courier fees and exchange rates involved. **


Contact for info

Trusted Partnership

We ONLY use Reptile Express International for all of our shipping needs